MEB Advisors

MEB Advisors is a multidisciplinary firm composed by specialists in different areas with extensive experience and track record in international business.

We provide consulting & advisory services to assist private and public organizations, investors, and governments to take advantage of growth opportunities in Latin America’s marketplace.

Some of our services are:

  • Business Advising & Project Development in Potential Cargo Markets
  • Air Routes Development & Market Connection
  • Projects & Market Research in Cargo Markets, Logistics & Agribusiness.
  • Airlines Representation & Agribusiness Pipeline Opportunities
  • Establishing Public-Private Partnerships
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José Medina
Mr. Medina has over 30 years experience in the logistic sector, supply chain and International Business, throughout his career he has held various positions since management levels to top management positions. Its specialties include the design and implementation of disaster logistics, design and development of air and intermodal routes, logistics solutions for the consumer industry and retail, and in the last 10 years he has been responsible for the design, development and implementation of air terminals, railway freight and distribution centers around Mexico.

Mr. Medina was the developer and promoter of connectivity of Mexico to the world with the "GDL River Trade" concept and is the first in Mexico to develop and implement the service model "Sea-Air" up connecting Chile and Peru with Asian and European markets through agro industry Cargo Hub in Guadalajara, also is developing the commercial bridge between Russia - Mexico, Guadalajara - Henan and Mexico - Near East. Currently he participates in the technical committee of the Ministry of Economy and SAGARPA, for the design, development and negotiations for the TPP Agro industry Cargo Mexican Hub.
Rogelio Huerta
Rogelio HuertaDIRECTOR
Mr. Huerta has over 10 years of experience in Corporate Law and International Trade Agreements, part of their expertise is the legal prevention, copy rights and intellectual property and software, their responsibility is guaranty the integrate corporate documents and prevent the risk for our customers.

Mr. Huerta also has skills in legal due diligences and risk corporate prevention and business success; besides has experience in negotiations with multinational enterprises and having a 15 years experience in Spanish communicational skills and multicultural knowing as attorney and professor of the Altamira School, in different topics of law, literature, reading and writing communications skills and Art History.
Jorge Canavati
Mr. Canavati has over 30 years of experience in International Trade, multimodal transportation, air cargo and logistics. He was one of the developers of Port San Antonio, and he is the author of various articles and editorials on Mexico and world trade and transportation issues.

Mr. Canavati is on the board of various international trade organizations and is the official U.S. representative of the National Importers and Exporters Association of Mexico (ANIERM). He serves on the Border Trade Advisory Committee (Texas Transportation Commission) appointed by Texas Secretary of State Hope Andrade and re-appointed by Secretary John Steen. He serves on the Camino Real District Export Council, appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce